Gina says:
hey, im here
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Hey, sorry to bug you late at night something kinda weird happened
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
And I don't think I'm going crazy, but it's always good to have an outside opinion!
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Ok, so like I said, this is kinda weird.
Gina says:
ok, go on?
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I was biking home, and there was this girl waiting for the bus at a bus stop. Like normal, right? And I thought "She
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
"She's a daughter of God"
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
And then I just felt like she should know
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Like I should tell her
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
But I was scared, and biked on for a little bit further
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
But I really felt convicted, like I had to tell her this, like it was one of those things, you know?
Gina says:
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I was still hesitant though. What would my parents say to be being home late? In reality, I was just stalling for time
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
so I checked the clock on my bike. It read out 12:07. That was weird, as that was not the time
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
So I checked my phone, (I had stopped my bike at this point) to check the time, and I got a text from Nicole
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
She said that she didn't know why she felt like she had to say it, but she just wanted to say she was sorry for all the times that she had made fun of me and hurt my feelings.
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
And I remembered bernard talking during GAP about how he wished God could just send him a text message or something like that
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
(Turns out my bike clock hadn't followed daylight savings
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
so I turned the bike around and started slowly, with baby steps back to the bus stop
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I picked up the pace and was slowly biking back to where I saw the girl
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
And there she was
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Then the worst possible thing happened.
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Her bus showed up
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
And she got on.
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
It was terrifying.
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
It started to pull off.
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
And I turned around, unsure of what to do
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
So I followed it, because it seemed like the right thing to do
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I saw where she sat, trying to memorize what she looked like
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
White jacket, brown hair, daughter of God.
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Her white jacket had little black spots on it
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
but buses are fast.
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I had to bike as fast as I could to keep pace, occaisionally it'd stop and I'd get a second to catch up, checking to see if the person who had just gotten off was her
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I chased her and chased her, and pedalled with all my strength
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
eventually The bus started to get too far away, and I kinda lost sight of it
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
and then someone got off.
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
She didn't look like the girl, and was wearing different clothes. I felt like it was her though, kinda, in a confused sort of way, confused like this entire thing
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
but I followed the bus
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
and then I felt like every part of me was screaming for me to turn back like "That was her back there, you idiot!"
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
There was a split in the road, and I couldn't see the bus anymore, or where it had gone
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
so I turned around
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
and pedaled back where the other person who might have been her might have been
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
she wasn't there anymore. I realised it hadn't been her. Whatever it was that said "idiot" at the end of that feeling wasn't from God, I don't think.
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I pedalled back to the crossroads
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I didn't know where to go. I felt like I was supposed to go left
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I didn't know where I was going, I'd never been down this way before
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
It was dark.
To record a Voice Clip, hold down the button or press F2 while speaking. Release the button to send your message.
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
But I kept following
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Oh, a few other things. I didn't know what was going on, so I asked God for a sign that things were kinda going allright. I saw a van that said "Safe Security" on it, so I think that might have been one
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I felt like I had lost her. I stopped the bike. I just let God know how miserable I felt, opened up my misery and confusion to his eyes, and I felt like I 'heard' "It's ok. But chase her anyway!"
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
So I biked on, but I felt like I wasn't going to find her. It was nearing midnight at this point, and I sent my dad a text saying I'd be home late. He replied back "Ok." Not enquiring why. That was convenient
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
At this stage I had no idea where I was, so I just kept telling God how scared I was and how badly I didn't want to get lost.
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I felt like I was just going home now, like it was kinda... not over, but I wasn't meant to chase after the bus (note how I said bus, not her)
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
So I said that once I saw something familliar, the way to get home, that's where I'd go
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I saw a girl walking by with some guy, she had a pure white jumper, and didn't look like the girl.
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
But she kinda did, so I went down that road anyway.
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
It wasn't her. But for some reason, I just felt like I was supposed to follow down that road anyway
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I kept just rolling down the hill, and there were two girls walking by, in black coats. I just kinda looked at them, and wondered if I was meant to tell them too, to which one of them replied to my staring with "Shwaaaaaa." I felt like I was being told "She'll do." I kept biking though. I don't think My Dad's a God of "She'll do." in a kinda "meh, whatever, I guess." kinda way
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
so I just biked on
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
And then saw a crossing that was very familliar. I knew how to get home from here.
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I just pulled the bike over and sat down, and asked God why this all happened. I kinda felt like I was supposed to go up the hill, but I asked that conviction "Is that you, Lord?" And I got a "No." Back, so I didn't.
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I didn't really get it, but I just got this message of "Chase after them like I chase after you."
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I just biked home from there, wondering about it
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Why I felt I was tasked with chasing after someone I didn't catch.
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I dunno. I think it's a matter of chasing as hard as you can, and it doesn't matter whether or not you catch them
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Anyway, I hope people from an asylum aren't already on the way to my house from your call!
Gina says:
that was just......................................
Gina says:
Gina says:
im speechless
Gina says:
cant believe that all just
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
It's kinda weird. You hear these stories, and I thought it'd end up well, with me finding her and she bursts into tears and we both go to church the following morning, and la de la da, but it didn't work out that way
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
at any rate, I'll be there the same time next week, 11 o' clock sharp!
Gina says:
yeah but like wow, ur dedication, ur determination, ur passion, ur fear, ur worries just all is amazing!! it goes to show just how hard it is to chase after some1 and yet God does it everyday for us and if we want to reflect jesus' life thats what we should be doing! passionate to share his love
Gina says:
and yeah it doesnt matter whether u catch the person or not but you tried ur hardest and u trusted in God
Gina says:
God has such a plan for that story
Gina says:
pray for that girl because its no accident that u were drawn to telling her
Gina says:
she might really need to know
Gina says:
keep praying
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Yeah, but it was all over the place! I felt so many different like, inspirations and convictions, and it was just so messy!
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I don't think I "Failed", but I kinda feel like I did
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I dunno. It all happened like it was supposed to, I guess. And I doubt shed've stayed to talk if her bus was just around the corner
Gina says:
its funny how we can miss a chance from a moments hesitation
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Mmm, that's the thing
Gina says:
kinda scary too
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I guess it's like aslan said to lucy "We can never know what would have happened."
Gina says:
Gina says:
and we dont know what can happen
Gina says:
but the power of prayer is immense
Gina says:
wow that story
Gina says:
Gina says:
Gina says:
i dont even know what to make of it
Gina says:
so many different things jumped out of it
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Haha, chalk it up to, well, I was going to say you and nicole, but God spoke to me through you two, so, yeah
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I guess chalk it up to Dad!
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Yeah, it was pretty crazy.
Gina says:
like when u said that the bus was out of sight..i was like wow thats scary
Gina says:
and things like being at a cross roads
Gina says:
its all kind of like a christians life
Gina says:
and Gods determined the whole way through
Gina says:
and if that girl had gotten off the bus had she known u had been chasing her then maybe things would have been totally differnt! sometimes we need to get off the bus and let God talk to us.......if u get me
Gina says:
or else im making no sense
Gina says:
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Wait while I digest that
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
haha, yeah
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I hope she wouldn't have had pepper spray in that case!
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
or, had to use it
Gina says:
Gina says:
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
I also 'heard' "Don't worry, she's in my arms now." I think that might have just been me trying to console myself.
Gina says:
or God
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Yeah, I guess so. I don't know though.
Gina says:
Gina says:
a lot to digest
Gina says:
a lot to pray over
Gina says:
God will reveal all in time...i hope!!!!!
Gina says:
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Haha, yeah
Gina says:
Gina says:
Gina says:
im saving this conversation
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Thanks for coming online
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
and I'm one-upping you and turning it into a blog post!
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Gina says:
wana read over that all again tomro and pray over it cause i can just like feel God oozing out of it!!! lol
Gina says:
oooh are u?
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Haha, ok!
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Gina says:
good boy
Gina says:
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
A lot of our friends have blogs and read mine, I'm looking for reaction on this!
Gina says:
Gina says:
thats cool
Gina says:
well im guna go to bed!!!!
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Thanks for your prayer!
Gina says:
thanks sooo much for sharing with me!
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
Aw man gina, thanks so much for listening!
Gina says:
and of course!! any time
Lorcan "The Joker" Murphy says:
thanks so much! Goodnight!
Gina says:
thaaank you toooo nighty night
So, I texted Gina shortly after all this happened, and she was kind enough to get online and listen. Thank you Gina. I give thanks to the one who chases me, for letting me have this experience. I don't understand it very well right now, but I hope that you'll reveal it to me. And I hope she's there next week. Whether she spits in my eye, or pepper sprays me, or runs off and calls the guards, at least I'll have done it!
Brown haired, White Jacketed girl with little black spots on it, you are a daughter of God, and he's chasing you. He wants you so bad. I'll let you guys know what happens about this time next week.
Just for a little bit of background to this, I recently got back from a camp where I heard that God liked me. I knew God loved me, but God liking me seemed like a new concept to me that I didn't quite understand. So Gina had been praying for me, that God would help me to know and believe in my heart, with all of me, that my Father liked me. So she did some praying for me, and told me that he thinks I'm funny and likes my sense of humour! That was scary. I don't think God is a very laughy God, like he's Loving and kind and all things that are good, but humour's kinda this human thing that we invented and it usually hurts people's feelings so he doesn't use it really. So if God likes my sense of humour and thinks I'm funny, well, can I just say that I belive God is really speaking to me through Gina when I hear this, though you might disagree, I think this means that God is the kinda God that laughs! So I'm coming to grips with that. That and Prayer. Well, I can deal pretty well with talking to him, like a father to son, I think, I'm just trying to come to terms and understanding with the power of prayer and petition. Why do we have to ask more than once? It is something I am trying to understand. Also, I read the passage today where Peter asks Jesus to tell him to walk on the water. Peter says to him "Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." To which Jesus replies "Come" (Matthew 14: 28-29). So that was kinda my compass for tonight. Whenever I felt I was supposed to do something or go somewhere, I just asked "Is it you, Lord?" To which I usually recieved a kinda muddled feeling of yes or no. It didn't work perfectly, as you can see. The whole ordeal was messy and crazy. Pray for me if you're reading this, pray for the girl too. Even if I never see her again in my life, I still want her to know that she's God's daughter. Anyway, it's late. Night!
"Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." - Jesus, part of matthew chapter 14 verse 27 NIV
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3 years ago
I've got tears in my eyes and I don't know why. I don't know why that story seems so special, so exciting. You never caught up with the bus, and you don't know what would have happened if you did. There's so much confusion and doubt, but I feel God working in it in mysterious ways. I don't understand this, I'm sure you're even more confused why you were sent on a seemingly wild goose chase. It was really weird when I sent that text y'know. I was sitting in Emma's car, and like it was completely out of the blue like a clear voice 'you need to text Lorcan to apologise'. I didn't doubt it's sender...I just went with it. I remembered the story Gina had told us earlier about sending that 'smile louder' text, so I sent it, not knowing why I was apologizing when I hadn't hurt you recently (to my knowledge). I hoped God had a purpose for that text, and secretly I knew he did. When you didn't text back I figured you either a)thought I was a crazy person or b)had no credit. I went with b, and assumed you'd talk to me about it over MSN and end up telling me that God wanted me to know I'm a bitch to you or something along those lines, and then I came online and saw the link to this post on your bebo...and read the post and I don't know how my text links in with all this but I know it's part of something much bigger than I had realised when I texted you. So I suppose if I didn't realise how much bigger that text was, I'm gonna guess that none of us know how much bigger that adventure you had is, because I have a distinct feeling that it's more than what you, we, think right now.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Thanks for the verses guys, they're really helping me get through this, like, they explain the occurance, but not exactly what happened, if you get what I mean!
Nicole, I think I got that text because I needed something out of the blue to do something out of the blue. Sometimes when we do things we don't fully understand but just feel inspired to do, really crazy and amazing things happen, I think. So I think that was God saying to me that, I dunno, well, I think it was just him speaking to me, and sometimes just knowing that God's after your attention can inspire us to do crazy stuff, like chase after a bus!
I still don't understand this, really, but I think that's ok!
Thanks guys, you're brilliant as always!
I'd agree with Lorcan, God can do some amazing things with us, even though we have no idea how special those things can be.
I remember I was going to the prayer room in Beyond 48 this past year. I had just come out of worship, and I was just looking for some time alone. I saw this girl in the corner crying her eyes out. I went over to her and I just held her for a couple of minutes. A little latter on, one of the ladies looking after the prayer room came up to me and said "You remember that girl who you held early on? You have no idea how special that felt to her. She said you coming over was just as a brother would comfort someone. She really appreciated it."
And I never saw that girl again.
Or the time when it was Shh time at TS 07, and I saw this Austrian girl crying. I just went over and started praying with her. And I don't know how long she thanked me for, and how special that was for her...
Obviously, nothing compares to chasing after a bus, but I thought that I would share...:P
Its a story like yours which re-ignites the fire in my heart for God.
Awesome stories Phil.
Out of interest, what bus was it?
74A, leaving from the stop near xtravision in rathgar in the direction of our school.
AAHH THE 74A?! That's the bus of Satan!!!!! Ok not really, but it is the bus that realised my worst fears, the one I got lost on. It ends up like 5 minutes in a car down the road from me. I know, how did I get lost right? It's like a 40 minute walk.
Haha! The bus of Satan? Perhaps more significance? Haha, I was laughing but now that's kinda scary that you say it like that, what with you getting lost on it and all >.>
Nice post lorkers...
Let us know what happens next week(dun dun dun)
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