Holy crap, I love sandwiches. You guys have no idea. that bad boy there is my usual of salami, wholegrain bread, mustard,a thin layer of mayonaise, and some fairly thick slices of mature cheddar cheese. I thought I'd go for a "Sandvich" (If you get that joke then I will name this sandwich/olive combo after you) kinda look with the olive going through the middle. I really do love sandwiches. They are my most common choice of luncheon (when possible). Every week household goes through an obscene amount of ham, salami, and cheese. Because I love sandwiches to death! I just love their, I dunno, portability. Their simplicity. The soft bread, the thick slices of cheese, and holy crap I'm a whacko. But I love sandwiches. And that is a fact. A friend of mine once said I was like joey from friends in my love of sandwiches. I don't know if joey likes sandwiches, but if he does, than that metaphor is accurate. I once ate peanut-butter and jelly (or jam, depending on your lingo) sandwiches for a year in 4th grade. I now have at least 2 sandwiches whenever I have sandwiches. I love them. I love how you can put whatever you want in them . I recently discovered the joy of crisp sandwiches thanks to Nicoleymoley. They're pretty delicious! My mom is not fond of me eating them though. Too unhealthy, she says. She then proceeded to make bacon sandwiches for dinner, so go figure. Proteins or something? One can only suppose. Me and my brother had the group effort of creating a sandwich with cheese, thick chunks of chicken and barbeque sauce, put in a paninni maker. Delicous. I do not know of any sort of meal that is so versatile. I had nothing better to talk about today, to be entirely honest. So I thought I would talk about sandwiches! :D
Dal Komm Coffee Best Seller
3 years ago
Love it...
If you wrote for a food magazine, we'd all gain several extra pounds XD
Crisp sandwiches ftw. Although they are unhealthy. So's bacon though.
I get the joke!:P Very good! and yes, Joey does love his sandwiches...
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